Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jameisha Trice recording in my basement "The Vision Lab"

I've been going thru some old video clips that I have. I found one that we recorded a few years of ago of Chicago artist, Jameisha Trice recording a song we did together. Jameisha Trice is a very talented singer and songwriter. "I Say I" is the first song we recorded with Jameisha and it turned out to be a great song. It played on radio stations across the country and was on several mixtapes throughout the US and the UK. Check out the full version of the song as well as the video clip.

Jameisha Trice - "I Say I" produced by Zeyl10 and DJ Dread


1 comment:

musikluver1982 said...

When I was doing college radio I interviewed her for this very song... I didn't know you produced it!